jueves, enero 06, 2011

Feliz 2011

Tiempo que no pasaba por aquí, pero vale la pena regresar para desear un feliz año nuevo, nuevas cosas vendrán, y espero estar más seguido aquí para comentarlas, pero mientras una noticia que causará escalofrios en Corea del Sur, Europea del Este y sin duda producirá ambiciones en otras regiones. Publica el NYT en línea esta tarde:

Pentagon Seeks Biggest Military Cuts Since Before 9/11

The White House ordered the Pentagon to squeeze almost all growth from its spending over the next five years, Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates said.

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office.com/setup is very easy to install, download and redeem. Use of it is also simple and the user can learn the use of it easily. Online Support&help option is also available in all application which provides an instant guideline.

office reinstall – Microsoft Office reinstall has required the removal of the previously installed version of your Office product on the device or system. Office 365 and other subscription offers the various features, which you do not get when you do not purchase the Office product. The office can be used free, as Microsoft provides the trial versions of every tool.

office.com/setup – Microsoft Office suite allows you to finish the several tasks in a very easy manner. You can download and install the Office application on your system to use it offline. But in case you wish to use the Online version of the Office then you need to login to your Microsoft account. You can use the Office app anytime by using the valid login credentials. Here in this article, we are going to discuss the procedure to fix the issue Unable To Login Office App Using Work/School Account.

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As students, you have the ability to download microsoft office on your computer, laptop, tablet, or phone. This guide focusses on providing instructions for computers. For phones and tablets, you can download individual Office apps (such as Word, Excel, etc.) through the App Store or Google Play.

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