martes, abril 27, 2004

Aseguran a los Juegos por si son cancelados

En un hecho sin precedentes, el Comité Olímpico Internacional aseguró por un acuerdo de 170 millones de dólares con una serie de aseguradoras londinenses a los Juegos Olímpicos de Atenas en caso de que sean cancelados debido a una guerra, ataque terrorista, terremoto o inundación.

"The summer games will be the second Olympics since the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks in the United States - but the first staged overseas. They will be the most heavily guarded in history, with a security budget nearing $1 billion - more than three times the amount spent on protecting the 2000 Games in Sydney, Australia.

An estimated 1 million visitors will join 11,000 athletes from nearly 202 countries for the games. Participating athletes include the Dream Team, the National Basketball Association's group of high-profile stars, who will be housed first on cruise ships and then taken to another location when their venue changes to north of downtown.

"The players are definitely concerned," Jermaine O'Neal of the Indiana Pacers told The Associated Press. "It definitely sits on your mind. If you wanted to send a message to the world, what better place is there to do it?"

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