miércoles, septiembre 21, 2005

Ratzinger prohíbe seminaristas gays

En un reporte desde Roma, el conservador Catholic World News reportó que el Papa Benedicto XVI ya firmó la instrucción para que no sean aceptados estudiantes gays en los seminarios católicos. El texto fue preparado por la Congregación para la Educación Católica y de los Seminarios. El CNW tiene cercanos contactos con el Vaticano, y afirma que la instrucción será dada a conocer a los participantes en el Sínodo que se celebrará en Roma este mes de Octubre. El artículo dice:

"The text, which was approved by Pope Benedict at the end of August, says that homosexual men should not be admitted to seminaries even if they are celibate, because their condition suggests a serious personality disorder which detracts from their ability to serve as ministers.

Priests who have already been ordained, if they suffer from homosexual impulses, are strongly urged to renew their dedication to chastity, and a manner of life appropriate to the priesthood.

The Instruction does not represent a change in Church teaching or policy. Catholic leaders have consistently taught that homosexual men should not be ordained to the priesthood. Pope John XXIII approved a formal policy to that effect, which still remains in effect. However, during the 1970s and 1980s, that policy was widely ignored, particularly in North America. The resulting crisis in the priesthood-- in which one prominent American commentator observed that the priesthood was coming to be seen as a "gay" profession-- prompted Pope John Paul II to call for a new study on the question....

The pending release of the Instruction, in the face of certain criticism from liberal forces in America and Western Europe, demonstrates the determination of the Vatican to improve the quality of priestly ministry, and to protect the Church from some of the scandals that have recently shaken the Catholic community-- and no doubt deterred many men from entering priestly training."

Es un día triste para la Iglesia Católica, un día que muestra que no le importa perder a cientos de candidatos al sacerdocio por el hecho de ser gays, y todo por una razón: el encontrar chivos expiatorios que sacrificar en nombre de Dios. La Iglesia se está oscureciendo pero es hora de los católicos verdaderos de regresar a sus orígenes, a las catacumbas, ahí donde el poder no corrompe, ahí donde el amor no teme ser, ahí donde Dios siempre está.

Actualización: Hoy a las 8.48 pm tiempo del Este de Estados Unidos el New York Times confirmó la noticia. Un alto funcionario aclaró que aunque Ratzinger aún no firma la instrucción lo hará en tiempo para el Sínodo, pero la decisión ya está tomada. El diario más influyente del mundo ya publica reacciones:

"I'm hearing that some men will choose to leave, because if they don't, it would be like living a lie," said the Rev. Robert Silva, president of the American National Federation of Priests' Councils, who opposes a ban because it would be "extremely hurtful" to chaste gay priests who are serving the church.

Mike Sullivan, of Catholics United for the Faith, a conservative advocacy group, said his group would favor a ban because putting a homosexual in an all-male seminary environment subjects that person to too much temptation, and increases his likelihood for failure.

"It's not appropriate to put an alcoholic in a bar either," he said...

The church official said, however, that the church was entitled to make its own decisions, based on theology, about who is allowed to be a priest, comparing the issue to that of women, who are barred from the priesthood as well.

"Being a priest is not a right," he said. "The Catholic Church never ordains anyone on the conception of human rights."

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