viernes, octubre 28, 2005

Feliz Samhain

Es la gran fiesta celta de inicios de Noviembre, que celebra el triunfo de la vida sobre la muerte, ya que marca un momento liminal del año en que los muertos vienen a visitar a sus vivos. Dice Wikipedia:

"Samhain is the word for
November in Irish; the Scottish Gaelic name Samhuinn is closely related. The same word was used for the first month of the ancient Celtic calendar, and in particular the first three nights of this month, the festival marking the beginning of the winter season. Elements of the festival are continued in the traditions of All Souls Day and Halloween. The name is also used for one of the sabbats in the Neo-Pagan wheel of the year.... With Christianization, the festival in November (not the Roman festival in May) became All Hallows' Day on November 1st followed by All Souls' Day, on November 2nd, after which the night of October 31 was called All Hallow's Eve, and the remnants festival dedicated to the dead eventually morphed into the secular holiday known as Halloween."

Días para recordar que a fin de cuentas no somos más que magia, historias con voluntad que esperan ser contadas, y recordadas.

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