miércoles, marzo 15, 2006

Tiempo de defender a quienes luchan contra el islamismo

El pasado 6 de marzo, un grupo de 12 intelectuales - mujeres y hombres musulmanes y no musulmanes - firmó un manifiesto en contra del islam fundamentalista. Y ya han sido amenazados de muerte. Como gesto de solidaridad se ha creado una red de apoyo mundial para que no estén solos, y para que cientos, miles... firmemos también el desplegado. Es hora de defender a los defensored de la libertad. Este es el manifiesto de los 12:


Together facing the new totalitarianism

After having overcome fascism, Nazism, and Stalinism, the world now faces a new global totalitarian threat: Islamism.

We -- writers, journalists and public intellectuals -- call for resistance to religious totalitarianism.
Instead, we call for the promotion of freedom, equal opportunity and secular values worldwide.
The necessity of these universal values has been revealed by events since the publication of the Muhammad drawings in European newspapers. This struggle will not be won by arms, but in the arena of ideas. What we are witnessing is not a clash of civilizations, nor an antagonism of West versus East, but a global struggle between democrats and theocrats.

Like all totalitarianisms, Islamism is nurtured by fears and frustrations. The preachers of hate bet on these feelings in order to form battalions destined to impose a world of inequality. But we clearly and firmly state: nothing, not even despair, justifies the choice of obscurantism, totalitarianism and hatred.

Islamism is a reactionary ideology which kills equality, freedom and secularism wherever it is present. Its success can only lead to a world of greater power imbalances: man’s domination of woman, the Islamists’ domination of all others.

To counter this, we must assure universal rights to oppressed people. For that reason, we reject “cultural relativism,” which consists of accepting that Muslim men and women should be deprived of their right to equality and freedom in the name their cultural traditions.
We refuse to renounce our critical spirit out of fear of being accused of “Islamophobia,” an unfortunate concept that confuses criticism of Islamic practices with the stigmatization of Muslims themselves.

We plead for the universality of free expression, so that a critical spirit may be exercised on every continent, against every abuse and dogma.
We appeal to democrats and free spirits of all countries that our century should be one of enlightenment, not of obscurantism.


Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Chahla Chafiq , Caroline Fourest, Bernard-Henri Lévy, Irshad Manji , Mehdi Mozaffari, Maryam Namazie, Taslima Nasreen, Salman Rushdie, Antoine Sfeir, Philippe Val, Ibn Warraq"

Pueden enviar su firma de apoyo a: prochoix@prochoix.org
Ellos en unos días harán pública la lista de adherentes de todo el mundo, demostrando que los defensores no están solos. Como dice Sullivan, nuestros gobiernos y medios de comunicación (Reforma dixit) se rinden ante el odio, pero nosotros debemos no hacerlo.

(vía Andrew Sullivan)

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