El gobierno iraní amenaza a la gente que osa protestar en las calles, ha cancelado los servicios de celular, teléfono y de internet. Pero la gente ha encontra una innovadora forma de comunicarse y de darse esperanza mutuamente: gritando desde las azoteas de sus casas "Allaho Akbar!", o Dios es grande!. Este vídeo es sin duda uno muy poderoso, ya que no muestra mucho visualmente, pero es la fuerza de la noche, y de los gritos cercanos y lejanos que lo hace tan impactante.
Copio lo que The Huffington Post traduce acerca de lo que dice la mujer en el vídeo:
The woman in this video is saying something that really touched me. She is saying that they can take our phones, our internet, all our communication away, but we are showing that by saying "allaho akbar" we can find each other. She ends it my saying that tonight they are crying out to god for help.
Copio lo que The Huffington Post traduce acerca de lo que dice la mujer en el vídeo:
The woman in this video is saying something that really touched me. She is saying that they can take our phones, our internet, all our communication away, but we are showing that by saying "allaho akbar" we can find each other. She ends it my saying that tonight they are crying out to god for help.
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