martes, marzo 13, 2007

Dos sacerdotes: ¿cuál sigue a Jesús?

foto tomada de Flickr.

Uno católico, niega la comunión a una pareja gay, por luchar a favor de su derecho al matrimonio; otro episcopal (la ala anglicana en Estados Unidos) se niega a realizar más matrimonios, hasta que todos se puedan casar con quien quieran... ¿No se darán cuenta las religiones que su discriminación hacia los homosexuales puede producir no solo homofobia entre sus fieles, sino crimenes de odio? Las palabras importan, y muchas veces se encarnan en prejuicios, que pueden tomar una peligrosa vida propia.

Copio del blog de Andy Towle:

Lesbian couple denied communion in Wyoming because they publicly opposed a bill that would have barred the state from recognizing out-of-state same-sex marriages: "Leah Vader and Lynne Huskinson have attended Saint Matthew's Catholic Church since 1998, and were married two years ago in Canada. Earlier this year, when the Legislature considered a bill that would have barred Wyoming from recognizing such marriages, the two said the bill amounted to discrimination. Last week, they got a letter from the Reverend Cliff Jacobson of Saint Matthew's, telling them they can no longer receive communion, in part because of their public position."

Rev. Robert Hirschfeld, rector of Grace Episcopal Church in Amherst, Massachusetts, says he'll stop performing all marriage ceremonies to protest the denomination's stance against same-sex unions. Said Nina Scott, a congregant: "I'm so proud to be a part of this. It's a step that needs to be taken."

( vía Towleroad)

1 comentario:

Anónimo dijo...

me gusto mxo encuentro k la iglesia miente oculta mxas cosas