viernes, febrero 20, 2004

El futuro del cristianismo I

The New York Times (el acceso es gratis pero hay que registrarse) cuenta el surgimiento de nuevas iglesias evangelicas "hip" y "cool", dignas del espi­ritu de los tiempos. Han llamado la atencion de los jovenes urbanos porque son no jerarquicas y hacen uso de la tecnologia (musica electronica, blogs, sites...) para transmitir su mensaje.

" one of several hundred small evangelical congregations that have formed around the country in recent years to pursue an alternative idea of how to do church. Called "emerging" or "postmodern" churches, they are diverse in theology and method, linked loosely by Internet sites, Web logs, conferences and a growing stack of hip-looking paperbacks. Some religious historians believe the churches represent the next wave of evangelical worship, after the boom in megachurches in the 1980's and 1990's."

"Many emerging churches, including Bluer, have revived medieval liturgies or practices, including prayer labyrinths and lectio divina, or sacred reading, a process of intense meditation and prayer over a short biblical passage. Some borrow Roman Catholic or Eastern Orthodox rituals that pre-date the Enlightenment.

"The Orthodox practices represent stability," Mr. Musick said. "Marriage you can't rely upon. With the dot-com failures, having mad computer skills doesn't guarantee you a good job. That stability isn't there."

Since the churches are diverse, their numbers are elusive, but the Web site, lists more than 300 emerging or postmodern churches."

Mientras tanto, la revista Foreign Policy se pregunta cual deberia ser el perfil del proximo Papa... y hace su propuesta: un sucesor de San Pedro que abraza la ciencia, se acerca con el islam y ataca la globalizacion.
Un muy interesante y polemico texto que aparece dirigido medio serio y medio en broma al Colegio Cardenalicio.

NOTA: este post salio sin acentos por un problema del software.

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