miércoles, enero 11, 2006

El choque de civilizaciones está aquí

Más allá de teorías, de libros... En esta época del año siempre se realiza el Hajj, la gran peregrinación que alguna vez en su vida los musulmanes deben hacer hacia la Meca, la gran ciudad santa del islam que alberga la Kaaba (un meteorito considerado sagrado). A continuación les copio una arenga de un mullah - un clérigo musulman - iraní que fue transmitida por la televisión de Irán este pasado 9 de Enero apenas:

"Crowd: Israel is the enemy of Allah.

Man: May the hands of the infidels be chopped off.

Crowd: May the hands of the infidels be chopped off.

Man: May the hands of the infidels be chopped off.

Crowd: May the hands of the infidels be chopped off.

Man: (Chopped off) from the land of the believers.

Crowd: From the land of the believers.

Man: The Audience will now split into two groups: One group will settle the score with America, and the other will settle the score with Israel. This group now: Death to America!

Crowd: Death to America!

Man: Death to Israel!

Crowd: Death to Israel! Death to America!

Man: Death to America!

Crowd: Death to America!

Man: Death to America!

Crowd: Death to Israel! Death to America! Death to Israel!

Man: All together now: Death to America! Death to Israel!

Crowd: Death to America! Death to Israel! Death to America! Death to Israel! Death to America! Death to Israel! Death to America! Death to Israel!


Speaker: Today, the impure world Zionism, in the modern Age of ignorance, has emerged with the same (polytheistic) ideology, but with new methods. It wants to take over the fields of economy, of culture, and politics, as well as the military, throughout the world.


We, the pilgrims who have come to the house of God, condemn the plots and the measures taken by the international Zionism � the deceitful Satan who spreads heresy, polytheism, and idolatry, enslaving human beings with a new method. It abuses the divine religion of Moses. It takes Satanic measures, and arouses the world's hatred towards this divine religion, and its true followers. We denounce these criminal acts. We call upon the world of Islam and the free peoples to take significant measures to thwart the Satanic policy of this camp.

Crowd: Allah Akbar. Allah Akbar. Allah Akbar.

Speaker: We, the pilgrims who have come to the house of God, strongly condemn the aggressive measures of "the global arrogance," led by the idol and center of evil, the criminal America. We condemn it for its aggression, war-mongering, its murder, plundering, torture, espionage, its abductions and its secret jails. We strongly condemn it.

We emphasize that the occupation forces must leave the lands of Islam. We express our hatred and our disgust at the mother of all corruption of this century, the Great Satan, and at its illegitimate offspring, the plundering Israel.

Crowd: Allah Akbar. Allah Akbar. Allah Akbar..."

No nos equivoquemos, como bien dice Andrew Sullivan, esta retórica es combustible vital para el terrorismo que ha atacado Estados Unidos, España, Inglaterra. Retórica que en momentos además no se distingue de la de Hitler. Y tampoco nos equivoquemos, México - con toda América Latina - sufrirá cuando Estados Unidos sufra si vuelve a ocurrir algo parecido a lo del 11 del septiembre, no sólo por la cercanía geográfica sino por una poderosa razón: México y América Latina forman parte de Occidente Ya olvidaron el atentado contra la mutual judía en Buenos Aires? El islam está siendo tomado rehen - como el cristianismo - por un grupo de hombres fanáticos, que están dispuestos a todo para preservar su poder sobre las conciencias de millones de musulmanes. Bienvenidos al choque de civilizaciones.

PD. Justin observa algo interesante: Noam Chomsky y la izquierda parecen concordar en mucho con lo que piensan los fundamentalistas musulmanes. Como siempre los estremos se tocan...

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