miércoles, diciembre 07, 2005

Católicos en Revolución

Mary Hunt (codirectira de la Women´s Alliance for Theological Ethics and Ritual - WATER) explica en The Advocate porqué la reciente Instrucción antigay lanzada por Roma acerca una revolución por parte de los laicos y laicas en la Iglesia Católica.

"After decades of the Vatican implementing a system that takes authority away from local communities and presumes to impose its will on Catholics who can think for themselves, it is time for Catholics to stand up, speak out, and resist.

Evidence suggests that U.S. Catholics do not support many of the narrow-minded tenets of their church. In opposition to the male hierarchy’s belief that ordaining women priests is theological treason, more than 60% of U.S. Catholics say they would support women in the priesthood, according to the most recent Zogby/LeMoyne poll. Another poll conducted by The Boston Globe in the Boston archdiocese—where the incidents of sexual abuse by priests were among the worst—finds that nearly 60% of Catholics oppose a ban on gay priests. Combine this with U.S. Catholics’ clear disregard for the church’s medieval views on marriage, divorce, and birth control, and increasing numbers of Catholics who support abortion under certain circumstances, and it becomes obvious that Americans find themselves in a church that does not speak to their everyday concerns in any meaningful way.

The Vatican, in its patriarchal echo chamber, continues to portray Western values of tolerance and equality as the fallen morality of a secular society. In so doing, the institutional church treats millions of faithful Catholics in the United States not as spiritual adults but as perpetual adolescents in need of discipline. The time has come for U.S. Catholics to claim their full baptismal citizenship and publicly call for changes in church policies on sexuality, ordination, and relationships. Considering the enormous economic and political influence of the U.S. church, if Catholics here really stood up to their bishops, loudly and in numbers, the Vatican would have little choice but to listen..."

La jerarquía de la Iglesia Católica escuchará cuando no encuentre más dinero en sus bolsillos. Y los católicos de Estados Unidos no parecen más dispuestos a firmar cheques en blanco, más cuando el Vaticano parece se ha dedicado a lavar dinero durante muchos años...

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