martes, diciembre 06, 2005

La Iglesia Católica contra el cristianismo

Andrew Sullivan continúa comentando de forma brillante las recientes acciones de la Iglesia Católica contra los hombres gays que desean servirle, y ha publicado un buen ensayo que resume el problema en Time. La premisa es que la iglesia ha dejado su antigua postura de "ama el pecador, no al pecado", y ahora sin sin siquiera existir pecado de por medio explicita totalmente el "odia al gay". Esto pone de cabeza toda la doctrina cristiana explica Sullivan.

"... What the new Pope has done is conflate a sin with an identity. He has created a class of human beings who, regardless of what they do, are too psychologically and thereby morally "disordered" to become priests.

There is a simple principle here. The message of Jesus was always to ignore the stereotype, the label, the identity--in order to observe the soul beneath, how a person actually behaves. One of his most famous parables was that of the Good Samaritan, a man who belonged to a group despised by mainstream society. But it was the despised man who did good, while all the superficially respected people walked on by. Jesus consorted with all of society's undesirables--with tax collectors, collaborators with an occupying power, former prostitutes, lepers. His message was that God's grace knows no boundaries of stigma, that with God's help, we can all live by the same standards and receive the grace that comes from his love.

The new Pope has now turned that teaching on its head. He has identified a group of people and said, regardless of how they behave or what they do, they are beneath serving God. It isn't what they do that he is concerned with. It's who they are. They are the new Samaritans. And all of them are bad."

Más: James Alison, ex sacerdote domínico expulsado por su Orden por ser gay - y una de las mentes teológicas más agudas - habla sobre la reciente instrucción del Vaticano. Ve al futuro y nos dice que nos preparemos, porque lo peor puede estar por venir...

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