lunes, noviembre 01, 2004

NASA anuncia vuelo del transbordador

Según la BBC podría ser en mayo o junio del 2005.

La violencia se desata en Henan, una provincia pobre de China. El gobierno impone la ley marcial.
Faltan 4 años para los Juegos y Pekín aplastará toda rebelión con puño de hierro.

En Londres, monumento para los animales muertos en combate. Es en serio...

La Organización Mundial de la Salud planea para la semana entrante una cumbre global contra una posible epidemia de gripe.

"Sixteen vaccine companies and health officials from the United States and other large countries already have agreed to attend the summit in Geneva, Switzerland, on November 11, said Klaus Stohr, influenza chief of the United Nations' health agency.

With increasing signs that bird flu is becoming established in Asia and several worrisome human cases that can't be linked directly to exposure to infected poultry, it's only a matter of time until such a virus adapts itself to spread more easily from person to person and causes a severe worldwide outbreak, he said.

"We believe that we are closer to the next pandemic than we ever were," Stohr said Sunday in an interview before a speech at an American Society for Microbiology meeting in Washington, D.C."

Recomendación: vacunénse mientras puedan.

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