Miles de abogados están listos para pelear dice The Guardian comenta: "Teams of Democratic and Republican lawyers were poised to start launching legal challenges in Florida and elsewhere from the moment the polls open today, without waiting until the close of voting to start disputing procedures at individual polling stations.
The Democrats, convinced that more vigorous challenges might have swung the result in 2000, claim to have 10,000 lawyers on standby around the country, ready to be deployed wherever the need arises. They reputedly have 1,000 in Florida alone, including Janet Reno, Bill Clinton's former attorney general."
Meena Bose, profesora de ciencia política en la Academia Militar de West Point, comentó en CNN que siempre hay un riesgo en toda esta judilización de la elección, pero es mejor que lo abogados trabajen dice. Dice que la gente en Estados Unidos no está polarizada - que eso le suena a Guerra Civil - sino que está dividida. Y la sorpresa será cuanta gente irá a votar, en especial los jóvenes.
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