martes, diciembre 23, 2003

El imperio de lo efímero... y su placer

Anne Hollander es valiente. Reseña para The New Republic al último libro de Virginia Postrel, The Substance of style, una de las más admiradas libertarias de hoy día (su libro anterior, The Future and its Enemies, me encantó) y aunque lo descuartiza lo hizo muy bien... La última obra de esta economista americana la dedicó al actual frenesí sobre diseño que envuelve al mundo entero: bares, hoteles, electrodomésticos, revistas, juguetes, computadoras... practicamente todo se ha contagiado de la reciente fiebre por "alto diseño", y Hollander nos enseña que detrás de todo esto, el emperador no está más que desnudo. Pero Hollander no la condena... solo la disecta, y es un placer leer ese análisis...

"Twentieth-century standardization is deplored by Postrel as having kept "aesthetics" from flourishing, even though all double beds became reassuringly the same size and all double sheets fit them, all bottle caps nicely fit all bottles, and all light bulbs screwed happily into all lamp sockets. Standardization also produced housing-development houses all on one model, and Postrel really deplores those. She seems not to understand why anyone would like them--perhaps she hasn't been to Bath or Edinburgh or the Place des Vosges; but she is careful to add to her list of admonitions the maxim that tastes differ.... surfaces are not engaged in deception, their aim is to be loved for themselves; and appearance is one form of truth, as the makers and lovers of art have known from the beginning."

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