domingo, septiembre 19, 2004

Probar, y probar de nuevo...

El siempre fecundo Umberto Eco nos cuenta en un corto ensayo porqué el método científico, que se centra en probar si estamos equivocados en nuestra observación del mundo o no, puede ser nuestra mejor arma contra el fundamentalismo -político y religioso- que trata de hundirnos en eras muy oscuras. Un fragmento:

"Recently I read in the papers that the celebrated scientist Stephen Hawking has made a statement that is sensational, to say the least. He maintains that he made an error in his theory of black holes (published back in the 70s) and proposed the necessary corrections before an audience of fellow scientists.

For those involved in the sciences there is nothing exceptional about this, apart from Hawking's exceptional standing, but I feel that the episode should be brought to the attention of young people in every nonfundamentalist or nonconfessional school so that they may reflect upon the principles of modern science."

1 comentario:

Francisco dijo...


bueno que tengas una excelente semana
Chow Chung says:
There is no greater gift you can earn
in life than life itself. Life rules!