NYT (acceso gratis con registro previo) reporta que los esquimales, o mejor llamados
Inuit, piensan demandar al gobierno de Estados Unidos ante
la Comisión Interamericana de Derechos Humanos de la Organzación de Estados Americanos por violar sus derechos humanos al ser el mayor productor mundial de gases de efecto invernadero que están derritiendo el hielo ártico.
Es la primera vez en legalmente se vería al problema de cambio climático como un problema de derechos humanos.
"The Inuit plan is part of a broader shift in the debate over human-caused climate change evident among participants in the 10th round of international talks taking place in
Buenos Aires aimed at averting dangerous human interference with the climate system. Inuit leaders said they planned to announce the effort at the climate meeting today. Representatives of poor countries and communities - from the Arctic fringes to the atolls of the tropics to the flanks of the Himalayas - say they are imperiled by rising temperatures and seas through no fault of their own. They are casting the issue as no longer simply an environmental problem but as an assault on their basic human rights..."
Parece que el debate tomará un nuevo nivel ahora. En Washington deberán estar levantando las cejas hoy...
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