jueves, febrero 14, 2008

¿Clinton quiere una guerra?

El terrible ego de los Clinton puede destruir al Partido Demócrata - si no es detenida. Copio del blog de Andrew Sullivan:

This could become a death match:

With every delegate precious, Mrs. Clinton’s advisers also made it clear that they were prepared to take a number of potentially incendiary steps to build up Mrs. Clinton’s count. Top among these, her aides said, is pressing for Democrats to seat the disputed delegations from Florida and Michigan, who held their primaries in January in defiance of a Democratic Party rules.

If Clinton were to win this way, she would, I believe, guarantee the Democrats will lose in November. A bitter, polarizing, divisive battle for Michigan and Florida with the result being a Clinton nomination would prompt large numbers of independents and Obama Democrats to stay home or even vote McCain. Would the Clintons sacrifice their party for their own ambition? You bet they would.

1 comentario:

Anónimo dijo...

claro que lo harán, lo sacrificarán, por qué no hacerlo? en sus acciones han demostrado que tienen la sangre fría para reventar cualquier cosa. Además, no van a ser los "buenos de la historia", eso es ser mediocre en su esquema de vida, y a lo mejor tengan razón, aquellos que se sacrifican, la verdad es que siempre serán los tontos y tontas de la historia...