lunes, febrero 11, 2008

Primero el regreso de la misa tridentina, ahora exorcismos...

El Washington Post reporta que el Vaticano apoya el regreso del exorcismo en gran escala:

"... the resurgence in exorcisms has been encouraged by the Vatican, which in 1999 formally revised and upheld the rite for the first time in almost 400 years.

Although a Vatican official denied reports in December of a campaign to train more exorcists, supporters said informal efforts began under Pope John Paul II -- himself an occasional demon chaser -- and have accelerated under Pope Benedict XVI. A Catholic university in Rome began offering courses in exorcism in 2005 and has drawn students from around the globe..."

Pero el diario también cuenta del lado oscurso de esta práctica:

"Exorcisms remain a touchy subject even among priests who perform them, aware that the rite is associated with medieval witch-burnings and the 1973 Hollywood horror film, "The Exorcist."

More recent horror stories have also taken their toll. In Germany, memories are still fresh of a 23-year-old Bavarian woman who died of starvation in 1976 after two priests -- thinking she was possessed -- subjected her to more than 60 exorcisms. In 2002, a German bishop resigned after a woman accused him of sexually abusing her during an exorcism..."

Primero el regreso de la misa de espaldas al "pueblo de Dios", ahora el regresio del exorcismo, ¿después qué? ¿La quema de brujas y de herejes? Ya no suena tan descabellado a este ritmo...

2 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

...Luego las guerras "santas",que manera de crear situaciones a imagen y semejanza de ellos mismos,basta ya señores fariseos contemporaneos,es hora que se pongan con la camiseta de trabajar por lo que ustedes escogieron ,servir al pueblo de Dios,no a sus intereses personales,por lo visto la Iglesia les quedo grande,mejor devuelvan el timón a Dios.Juan.

Alonso Contreras dijo...

A fe mia que a voacé le da un ardite cumplimentar a su alma inmortal entrambos ritos, ni el tridentino ni el novo ordo ¿Pues a qué tanta bellaquería?