reportó ayer una noticia que para todos los freaks sobre la naturaleza - como yo - encanta saber: la mayor tormenta jamás registrada en el Señor de los Anillos:
"Scientists are tracking the strongest lighting storm ever detected at Saturn. The storm is larger than the continental United States, with electrical activity 1,000 times stronger than the lightning on Earth.
Radio outbursts were first detected by NASA's Cassini spacecraft Jan. 23.
The storm is about 2,175 miles wide (3,500 kilometers).
"It's really the only large storm on the whole planet," said Andrew Ingersoll, a member of the Cassini imaging team.
Earth-based amateur astronomers were able view Saturn's dayside with their telescopes when Cassini could not. The amateurs' images of Saturn provided the first visual confirmation of the storm...."
Si la luna afecta el movimiento de los océanos, si las manchas solares tienen relación con el patrón climático... ¿será posible que algo así pueda tener cierto impacto en nosotros?
Sea lo que sea parece ser que todo el sistema solar - y no sólo la Tierra - vive un creciente proceso de cambio climático:
Sun: More activity since 1940 than in previous 1150 years, combined
Mercury: Unexpected polar ice discovered, along with a surprisingly strong intrinsic magnetic field … for a supposedly “dead” planet
Venus: 2500% increase in auroral brightness, and substantive global atmospheric changes in less than 30 years
Earth: Substantial and obvious world-wide weather and geophysical changes
Mars: “Global Warming,” huge storms, disappearance of polar icecaps
Jupiter: Over 200% increase in brightness of surrounding plasma clouds
Saturn: Major decrease in equatorial jet stream velocities in only ~20 years, accompanied by surprising surge of X-rays from equator
Uranus: “Really big, big changes” in brightness, increased global cloud activity
Neptune: 40% increase in atmospheric brightness
Pluto: 300% increase in atmospheric pressure, even as Pluto recedes farther from the Sun
None of these statistics are from “fringe” scientists; they are all very, very real, and what you have just read is only the proverbial “tip of the iceberg.”
This Report’s scientific data, from a variety of highly credible institutions (including NASA itself), reveals that startling “climate change” phenomena are occurring, not just here on Earth, but, in fact -- throughout the entire solar system. This material has been publicly available for nearly a decade in some cases..."Algo le sucede a todo el sistema solar, y apenas los mejores científicos del planeta están entiendo qué es...
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