martes, julio 22, 2008

Omnicom y su publicidad homofobica

Van tres anuncios, y en los tres, Omnicom, una de las mayores empresas de agencias de publicidad del mundo (dueña de BBDO y TBWA) y de planeación de medios (tiene OMD), se burla de hombres supeuestamente afeminados... En el último se ve como se apunta con un arma a un hombre que corre supuestamente como mujer.

Parece que esta burla no es casual, por lo que un afamado crítico de la revista Ad Age, Bod Garfield, le escribió una carta pública a John Wren, presidente de Omnicom. Parte de la carta dice:


"Now, from AMV BBDO, London, another Snickers spot, in which a butt-wiggling race walker is just too effeminate for Mr. T's liking. The snarling scourge of all things sissified chases after the guy in a pickup. "You a disgrace to the man race!" he bellows. 'It's time to run like a real man!' -- whereupon the terrorized wimp is mowed down with a candy-spewing Gatling gun and admonished to 'Get some nuts!' The pun behind the campaign is obvious, adolescent and unfunny. The sentiment behind it is simply sick. John: three Omnicom agencies, three outrages. It is time for you to intervene. The Super Bowl ad, at least, was grounded in something real. It wasn't exactly homophobic; it was about homophobia and men's deepest sexual fears about themselves. Why that issue would be the stuff of candy-bar advertising is an open question, and a good one, but there was nothing genuinely malevolent in the televised spot. This new Mr. T commercial -- like the online wrench attack -- is explicitly malevolent and beyond the pale. So unseemly, so perverse, so beneath you."

La carta completa y los tres anuncios que discriminan a hombres que no cumplen con el modelo machista y patriarcal de Omnicom se pueden ver Towleroad.

2 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

¿"Modelo machista y patriarcal"? Oh, carajo, un poco de sentido del humor...

Citius64 dijo...

Y si fuera un arma la que apuntara un judío o un negro, habría que tomarlo con sentido del humor?