lunes, enero 12, 2009

Las lecciones de ciencia del Vaticano

Los viejos habitos nunca mueren: antes la iglesia católica acusaba a las brujas de causar epidemias, en especial mujeres viudas que tenían propiedades. Después de quemadas, los varones de la región, en complicidad con la jerarquía masculina eclesial, se quedaban con las casas y campos de la ex dueña... Ahora, la iglesia se alía a médicos ilusos que ponen primero el dogma y luego la razón para de nuevo echarle la culpa a las mujeres que deciden sobre su reproducción sobre los problemas de los hombres. Copio del blog de Andrew Sullivan:

Vatican Science Lessons

Pedro Jose Maria Simon Castellvi, president of the International Federation of Catholic Medical Associations, wrote in the the Vatican newspaper that "We have sufficient evidence to state that a non-negligible cause of male infertility in the West is the environmental pollution caused by the pill." Saletan fisks this quackery:

Perhaps it's a sign of the modern age that moralists feel obliged to associate their principles with health effects. Abortion isn't just murder; it causes breast cancer and psychological damage to women. Contraception isn't just a violation of God's will; it's an environmental toxin. But none of these health claims has turned out to be valid. And in this case, the claim is so perfectly consistent with the history of misogyny—blaming men's fertility problems on women's sins and fluids—that it risks not just scientific but moral discredit.

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