Hoy me dí cuenta de otra clave de los ataques del 7-7 en Londres, la relación entre la estación de trenes de King´s Cross, Harry Potter y el ataque. Lo comenta el siempre engimático Goro Adachi en su blog de hoy. Y trataré de explicarlo lo más importante:
- Hoy a medianoche - primer minuto del 16 de julio - inicia la distribución mundial de Harry Potter y el Príncipe Mestizo.
- El 16 y 17 de Julio Marte alcanza su perihelion, su punto de mayor cercanía al sol.
- Los mismos días hay un alineamiento del Sol, Mercurio y el cometa Tempel 1. Ya antes vimos que ese extraño nombre de cometa lo más seguro es que sea un anagrama de Temple 1, y temple tiene la misma raíz latina que tiempo. El cometa pasó por la orbita de Marte (el dios romano de la guerra) el 7-7, el día del ataque de Londres, la ciudad donde se rige el tiempo universal. Y eso no parece casual....
Dice Goro Adachi:
"Harry Potter? Yes, Harry Potter - I'm not kidding. :) Now, just think about it: it's a perfect pop-culture vehicle through which a 'hidden signal' can be transmitted to anyone out there who can potentially detect and decipher such hidden communication. It's like The Wizard of Oz and The Da Vinci Code - a very popular mysterious and imaginative story that bridges this and the 'other' world. It's the 'looking-glass' that enables substantive 'transdimensional' communication, so to speak. Compared to other kinds of stories which can be viewed as slow modems, it's a high-speed broadband connection ideal for high-voltage multicontextual information-seeding that is 'Contact'.
Bringing Harry Potter into this seems so silly because it's so pop culture, so much so that even the Pope has commented on it, but actually that is exactly why it's a great candidate to be used as a 'Contact' medium (and I'm definitely not saying that the author of the Harry Potter series is aware of such a scheme or anything like that). The more creativity involved, the more 'interdimensional' the product becomes. It turns into, in a way, a 'magnet' for 'coincidences' and such.
Geographically, the 7/7 London bombings took place generally along the Circle Line of the London Underground. There were three train explosions and two of which were traveling on the Circle Line.... All three trains that were bombed went through King's Cross, and the station actually marks the exact halfway point between the two trains that went in opposite directions on the Circle Line (they left King's Cross at about the same time).... So King's Cross represents the all-important midpoint. In Harry Potter books, King's Cross is where students get on the 'Hogwarts Express' to go to the 'other world' of magic and wizardry. In other words, it's analogous to Alice's looking-glass or Dorothy's twister. It's the 'dimensional gateway'.
Fittingly, the Hogwarts Express uses a secret platform '9¾' between platform 9 and 10, invisible to normal humans. '9¾' is 9.75 or, treating it as a time reference (sexagesimal system), 9 and 45 - giving us 9:45.
The three trains exploded almost simultaneously at 8:50 am. But there was one more bombing - that of a double-decker bus - that came nearly an hour later. (The plan may have been for the bus to explode at King's Cross but the bus was following a diversion from its normal route.) The time was... 9:47 - practically the same as that magical ' 9¾' time.
Combining these and other factors, the 7/7 bombings that disrupted the first full-day session of the G8 summit in Scotland was, in a way, a 'stargate' event, as well as 'Contact'. Incidentally, as a couple of readers pointed out to me, 'G8' can be read as 'G-eight' or 'Gate'.
There is more to the apparent 'Harry Potter cipher', of course. But pertinent here for the time being is the fact that the new Harry Potter will be released on July 16. A planetary alignment involving Comet Tempel 1 coming up July 16-17... And because Tempel 1 already time-stamped ~July 7 by crossing the ecliptic at that time, the comet in effect becomes a bridge connecting the 7/16 release of Harry Potter and the 7/7 bombings...."
King´s Cross significa literalmente la Cruz del Rey. Todos los trenes que fueron atacados pasaron por esa estación. Esa estación tiene un gran poder simbólico, en la vida real y en las novelas de la saga Potter. Muchos puentes simbólicos en qué pensar. ¿El ataque a King´s Cross significaría acaso un intento para cerrar ese portal una semana antes de que apareciera la novela de Harry Potter? Las novelas son instrumentos simbólicos muy poderosos, y ese niño mago ya le dió miedo hasta al Papa, ¿quizá se lo daría a alguién más? King´s Cross... hay muchas cruces distintas, y hoy a medianoche J.K. Rowling presentará en Edimburgo, Escocia, al primer minuto del 16 de Julio su novela a 70 niños de todo el mundo. El castillo, Edimburgo y Escocia desde hace siglos se han visto como refugio y defensores de un cristianismo místico que Roma persiguió: el Temple. ¿Cómo se llama el cometa que se alinea hoy con el sol? Ratzinger debe estar preocupado...
Adachi es una simbolista singular, ya que mezcla mitología, astrología, política, con cultura pop y más para poder entender la confusa realidad de estos tiempos turbulentos. ¿Raro? Sí. ¿Extravangante? Definitivamente. Pero siempre hace pensar... y eso lo logran hacer muy pocos.