viernes, julio 08, 2005

¿Quién gana y quién pierde en el ataque a Londres?

Varios articulistas parecen no se creen el argumento de que en un nuevo grupo musulman radical es el culpable y tienen buenos argumentos. Anthony Wade dice que Al Qaeda sería estúpida de creer que sacaría al Reino Unido de Irak así. No dice él, la gente que tiró las Torres Gemelas es más sofisticada que ésto. Y luego se enfoca en los antecedentes, el clima político antes del ataque a Londres, y en especial, en Estados Unidos:

"... Let’s examine the political climate here in this country just prior to this “attack”. Support for the Iraq War was at an all time low. People were unmoved by the President’s speech, dropping his overall approval rating to 43%. The drums of impeachment were growing louder with each passing day, with the revelations that the Downing Street Memos do indeed prove that George Bush committed felonies in lying to Congress and starting war without Congressional approval. Also on our political front was the Valerie Plame story and how it appears there is a good chance that Karl Rove committed treason in outing a covert CIA operative, who just happened to be assigned to uncovering WMD. Considering the closeness of Rove to Bush, if these allegations proved to be true, then how much of a stretch is it to assume Bush had complete foreknowledge of the revenge against Joe Wilson by outing his wife.

Now the corporate media has tried very hard to ignore these stories. We have had coverage of the Michael Jackson trial, and most recently the missing girl in Aruba for months now as Bush’s world unraveled daily. No offense to the Holloway family but the story about Natalie’s events should not be a lead story on any news show, with the possibility of impeachment, treason, and the Iraq War events happening daily. But there was our media, firmly in the pocket of George Bush, pimping the pain of the Holloway family as the most important news story. This aside though, the real stories were finally starting to poke through. Mainstream media received so many complaints about their ignoring potentially Bush-damaging stories, that they finally had to cover them....
Cui bono is a Latin phrase which simply means, “Who benefits?” and it is the question we need to be asking ourselves. What does al Qaeda gain from this attack? The only logical answer can be, NOTHING."


1. ¿Quién tiene acceso irrestricto a los tuneles del metro para poner bombas en ellos?

a)"Terroristas" con llaves o pases especiales nada más.
b) Los ratones.
c) los murcielagos.

2. Y en un año en que el petróleo tiene precios récord y en que... a quién le conviene que la ocupación de Irak continúe? A quién le conviene que nuevas leyes de seguridad sean pasada en las Cámaras de Estados Unidos, Europa, Asia..?

a) Mickey
b) Donald
c) La industria bélica internacional. (cuyos principales países productores casualmente estaban hoy en la Cumbre del Grupo de los Ocho).

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