"...Mexico now enters a perilous political moment. Mr. López Obrador, who as mayor was never shy about summoning his partisans to the streets, has called a mass demonstration today in Mexico City to protest what he calls the fraudulent election results. He has refused to concede defeat, suggesting that the results were cooked by entrenched insiders and institutions hostile to his candidacy -- and to his underprivileged constituents. And while his aides have issued assurances that he intends to act responsibly, his own unproven allegations of "manipulation" in the vote's tallying are worrying. While the results in some of the country's 130,000 ballot boxes seem to have been miscalculated -- as is the case in almost any election -- there is no sign so far of systematic attempts to falsify the outcome.
Mr. López Obrador is entitled to appeal the election results to the Federal Judicial Electoral Tribunal, an independent panel empowered to adjudicate such disputes that has ordered some state elections done over in recent years. He ought not use the power of his oratory, or the adulation of his followers, to nudge the country toward class warfare while he pursues a legal challenge that could last up to two months. To do so would hurt Mexico's international reputation and its allure to investors; it also could darken the 52-year-old Mr. López Obrador's political future..."
Pero no, López Obrador no seguirá la recomendación internacional. Hoy en la tarde dará iniciará su protesta ante una elección que todo el mundo reconoce como limpia. Ante un Zócalo lleno de Panteras (taxistas piratas), el Frente Popular Pancho Villa, "estudiantes" del CGH, "zapatistas" y beneficiarios de los programas sociales del Gobierno del DF, AMLO empezará a través de manifestaciones a presionar al Tribunal Electoral. Y los corresponsables extranjeros escribirán lo que el lunes leeran los mercados en Nueva York, Londres y Tokio...
* Solo falta un procedimiento oficial para que Calderón sea designado después del conteo del IFE, la resolución de la impugnación en el TRIFE.
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Caray, que suerte haber encontrado tu blog. Ya es visita diaria de ley. Gracias.
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