sábado, junio 09, 2007

El último tabú: educación y clase social

El New York Times perfila en su revista que se publica mañana a una profesora que es odiada por la izquierda y la derecha por la misma causa: hacer notorio el tabú de la educación y la clase social. Ella es Ruby Payne y dice que en resumen que los niños y jóvenes no serán bien educados si no comprendemos el contexto de su clase social, porque debido a ella, los alumnos de clase baja comprenden el mundo diferente que los de clase media y alta. No entender eso no es solo perder tiempo y recursos, sino perder las mentes de los estudiantes. Un fragmento:

"At the heart of Payne’s philosophy is a one-page chart, titled “Hidden Rules Among Classes,” which appears in most of her books. There are three columns, for poverty, middle class and wealth, and 15 rows, covering everything from time to love to money to language. In a few words, Payne explains how each class sees each concept. Humor in poverty? About people and sex. In the middle class? About situations. In wealth? About social faux pas. In poverty, the present is most important. In the middle class, it’s the future. In wealth, it’s the past. The key question about food in poverty: Did you have enough? In the middle class: Did you like it? In wealth: Was it presented well?

It may be that the only people with abiding faith in the power of class divisions in America are the country’s few remaining Marxists and Ruby Payne. And while Payne may not believe in class struggle, per se, she does believe that there is widespread misunderstanding among the classes — and more than ever, she says, the class that bears the cost of that misunderstanding is the poor. In schools, particularly, where poor students often find themselves assigned to middle-class teachers, class cluelessness is rampant...."

Creo que en caso mexicano es urgente entender este tema...

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