miércoles, junio 04, 2008

¿En qué se parecen Hillary Clinton y AMLO?

En que no saben aceptar una derrota. Ayer la precandidata demócrata vió como Obama ganaba los 2118 delegados para ser nominado y no aceptó haber perdido. Al contrario dice James Fallows en The Atlantic, y otros muchos analistas:

You HAVE LOST the nomination. There are NO MORE primaries. And you're urging your supporters to nurse their bitter feelings on your web site, and keep selling their bikes to give you money that you'll spend on... what? The unseemliness -- and, yes, destructiveness -- of this is too obvious to mention, though perhaps not obvious enough to have occurred to you.

This is a new low.

Noam Scheiber:

So she's going to leave it to her voters to decide whether she should accept defeat after having, you know, lost? What if every losing candidate left it to their supporters to decide whether or not to accept the outcome of a race? Who would ever accept defeat?

What good could possibly come of this?

With Hillary proclaiming herself the legitimate winner, they're clearly going to say "keep going." If she actually does keep going, that's a disaster for the Democratic Party. And if she doesn't, you've just drawn a ton of attention to the fact that a large chunk of the party doesn't accept Obama as the legimiate nominee. No, worse: you've encouraged them to think that, then drawn attention to it.

Jonathan Chait:

I don't know what the fallout will be, but at minimum, I'd say that anybody on her staff who cares about their party has a moral obligation to publicly quit and endorse Obama.

Isaac Chotiner:

If Clinton wants people to believe that she cares more about the Democratic Party than her own career, she is failing badly.

Brendan Loy:

Hillary Clinton had one last chance, tonight, to exit the stage with dignity. She missed it.


You don’t get psychodrama like this very often. It’s like political reality TV.

Scheiber apunta a algo semejante a lo que López Obrador: decirle a la gente que ella manda, cuando en el fondo al líder no le importa. "Yo iré hasta ustedes quieran", ajá.... Solo una forma de usar a la gente como pretexto para inflar un ego desgarrado. Y sí, así se parece Hillary Clinton y AMLO: aman al poder sobre todo, y no saben perderlo. Aunque dejen a sus partidos hechos tiras.

1 comentario:

Odile dijo...

Bueno, Clinton ya aceptó su derrota y pidió a sus seguidores apoyar a Obama... eso es más que lo que todo el PRD ha hecho. No te anticipes a las situaciones.